Simplicity is key.
That is the reason why we make our onboarding process as quick as possible

Here is how you will receive results without having to pull your hair out:
1. Discovery call

After booking a 30 minute discovery call you will receive some questions about you and your business and your main goals. We will go trough them during our call and figure out the specific products that suit your business. No upselling there we do not want to waste your time or budget on unneeded services

2. Mockups and mood boards

Depending on the chosen services we will start working on mockups and shot decks (if it is a video service) and provide those to you before we start working on the final product. These mockups can be changed as much as needed and we will not proceed before you are happy with the end result.

3. Lets go!

After you approve the design ideas and elements we can get on to creating the perfect website, video or any other service you have ordered.

4. Handover & Aftercare

After completion we will have a short meeting going trough the final product and doing any last changes if needed. You will receive a minimum of 14 days aftercare support. In this time frame you can still do some changes if needed.

Don't forget to ask your CSM for your discount if you will need our services in the future!

Website FAQ's

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions
How much does a website cost?
How long will it take to get a new website?
Will my website be mobile-friendly?
What if I need help on my site down the road?
Can I access the backend myself?
Video service

Video production tools

Examples of the available video tools and sample footage